AdInfoSys Management Institute is well familiar to ADB, WB and other IFI guidelines and Safeguard polices and has proven experience in preparation of environmental assessment and resettlement action plans for road construction and public transport projects, water supply and irrigation systems.Within a number of IFI financed project the Company conducted a wide range of environmental surveys and studies
- Environmental and social impact assessment
- Preparation of land acquisition and resettlement frameworks and plans
- Environmental management and monitoring plans
- Calculation of ERR and Benefit-Cost Ratio
- climate data and climate conditions (air temperature, air humidity, precipitations and snow cover, erosion, etc)
- land characteristics
- Site evaluation visits and identification of sensitive receptors of infrastructure construction works
- Topsoil stockpiling and dumping of excavated waste
- preparation of evaluation reports and site-specific management plans on proper management of impacted natural recourses
- air quality, noise and vibration monitoring
- public hearings, consultations and presentations on environmental and resettlement issues relating to various infrastructure projects