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Urban Transport Development

Urban Transport Development

The Importance of Transport Planning for Urban Areas

 Transport is at the center of many economic and social development challenges, accounting for about 64% of global oil consumption, 27% of all energy use, and 23% of the world’s energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. Rethinking and revamping transit in the post-COVID era by implementing structural changes would go a long way toward reinforcing some of the positive impacts on emission levels and air quality created by efforts to curb the pandemic.

A transportation strategy or planning is a process that actually helps the citizen of the area. Urban Transport Planning is an essential part of the urban planning and needs a systematic approach. It is the process that defines future policies, goals, investments and designs that is flexible for citizens. Many stakeholders, including various government agencies, the public and private businesses are directly involved and associate with each other in this process. The planners apply a comprehensive approach to the transportation system to influence beneficial consequences.

Now-a-days, according to increase population, transportation facility is a major thing in urban areas that influence the lifestyle of the people. The transportation complexion is a major crisis that challenges today’s cities. The movement of both people and goods becomes increasingly slow, costly, unpleasant and dangerous each year. It is the responsibility of the planner and the decision maker to look out this issue, but still a huge knowledge gap exists in this field.

The importance of transportation planning:

  • Transportation is an investment tool that helps all the cities to achieve their larger goals and expectations. However, it is the process that makes lifestyle better of the people and touches all aspects, including economic development, quality of life, social equity, public health and ecological sustainability. So it is the responsibility of the planners, engineers and the decision maker to well-organized the transportation.
  • By improving transportation, the congestion can be reduced and it serves as a driver to drive the real estate prices. A better accessibility attracts jobs and residences which in turn bring in economic development.
  • Unsurprisingly, it is a social policy. It may affect the lifestyle of the people in different ways. In transportation projects, where the higher income motorists can take the advantage and it may harm the interest of pedestrian, but in later period this project may significantly improve flexibility and job opportunities for those to drive in the future by improving the social status.
  • Transport systems that do not give the pleasure of regular walking for all citizens will tend to result in significant public costs.