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2020-on going

Donor: EBRD

Client: State Communal Enterprise “Khujand Public Transport”/Grant Thornton Consalting, Armenia

The purpose of the Project is to establish a reliable passenger transportation service and create a basic public transport network in the City. In addition a new formal ticketing system based on new tariffs will be implemented. It will put emphasis on cheaper and more attractive monthly passes with a goal to reduce fare revenue leakages and offer passengers the option of changing routes without double paying.

The Assignment consists of three main Parts:
Part I: Corporate Development Programme for the Company
Part II: Stakeholder Participation and City Support Programme for the City of Khujand
Part III: Reform of bus sector and Institutional Framework Development

Adinfosys MI SOW are:

  • General Management of the Project Development
  • Part III Support for bus sector reform
    • Reform of bus sector and Institutional Framework Development
    • Public Transport Route Structuring and Network Plan
  • Development Tariff calculation Methodolodgy

February 2021-October 2021

Client: Mott Macdonald, UK

The primary objective of the proposed CDIA PPS is to support the YM to start implementing its new urban transport integrated network. It will prepare strategic and operational recommendations, and preliminary designs to facilitate the implementation of the new network. The project will consist of a combination of advisory services to build overall capacity on integrated and sustainable urban mobility, and specific outputs to develop the key features of the new network. Hence the specific objectives of the project are:

(i) to enhance the capacity of the YM for the new bus network implementation;

(ii) to recommend strategic measures for a phased implementation of the integrated network; and

(iii) to conduct preliminary engineering design for key facilities to enable the newly purchased buses to start operating in an efficient and quality manner.

The Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures (MTAI) concentrates the majority of the
country's infrastructure projects (transport, energy, water and irrigation, natural resources, urban
The objective of the assignment is to decline within the MTAI, in coordination with the Ministry of
Economy as the central body, the implementation of the reform with the aim of building the ministry
capacity to build project investment documents that meet in terms of strategic, economic, financial and
technical requirements of Armenia’s new PIM.



The first stage will consist in assisting with the review of the preparatory documentation of each MTAI project
in the portfolio of MoF-listed public investments (see above) such as to identify both specific and systemic
weaknesses in project identification, preparation, and justification.
The specific objective will be during this first analysis to train MTAI staff to make a critical analysis of the
projects they want to present for government financing such as to strengthen the case to present to
decision-makers within the government or external funding institutions such as donors.


The second stage will focus on developing the agreed-on recommendations within MTAI, in coordination
with the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance. It is expected that most of these
recommendations will revolve around designing procedures, creating document templates, and if
relevant strengthening the MTAI organization to better process project preparation. This second stage
will also include various trainings.

Feb 2013 – Feb 2015,

Name of Client: Yerevan Municipality under the financing of the Asian Development Bank, 

Country of Assignment: Armenia

Partner in Joint Venture  with SweRoad (Sweden), ALG (Spain), SIPU (Sweden), DEVTEC (Nepal)

One of the key strands of the Project is to complete the construction of two missing road links of the western urban ring (Task 1); and conduct institutional reforms in the urban transport sector (Task 2). The other key objective of the Project is to help Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Territorial Administration and Yerevan Municipality to prepare due diligences, detailed design and bidding documents of the projects to be financed and implemented under the tranche 2 of this investment program (Task 3).

Thus, the scope of consulting services (main deliveries and outputs) of PMIC, on top of other assignments, focuses on the following:

  • As an independent technical checker, provide technical expertise to YM and MOE during all the detailed design and construction stages and review all the documents (technical specifications, bill of quantities, drawings, design reports, cost estimates, etc) prepared by the DESC
  • Build a project management framework to monitor construction of the two road section of the Western bypass
  • Assist in the preparation and implementation of the procurement plan
  • Prepare the bidding documents under ADB's International Competitive Bidding procedures and executed using the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction, for Building and Engineering Works designed by the Employer
  • Bring support and guidance to the DESC on the following subjects:

Field Surveys, Investigations and Tests (land ownership and construction sites; topographic surveys and utility networks; geo-technical, soils, location and characteristics of sources of borrow materials and pavement surveys; hydrological, hydraulic and drainage investigations; inspection of river banks, bridges, underpasses, culverts and other structures particularly in areas with unstable slopes; Archaeological Investigations; Inventory of all utility networks located on the construction site, below and / or above surface (water supply sewage system, drainage, gas network, telecommunications, electricity network, etc.)); Road safety audit,

  • Monitor and report to YM, MOE and ADB the performance of Project 1 and ensure compliance with all social and environmental requirements, with the assistance of DESC finalizing the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan (LARP), reviewing the Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework (LARF), assisting the EA for LARP disclosure; finalizing the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (or Initial Environment examination (IEE) as applicable) and conducting the necessary consultations in compliance with ADB’s Safeguards Policy Statement 2009 and the Environment Assessment and Review Framework (EARF) approved in 2010 between ADB and the Government of Armenia
  • Assist the Government in the preparation of Periodic Financing Request (PFR) Tranche 2 Project and its appendices to be submitted for ADB's approval, including the following documents:
    • Technical feasibility, cost estimates, and implementation schedule; TOR for consulting services and cost estimates; Tranche 2 Project Engineering and bidding documents (geometric design, pavement design, drainage design, geo-technical design, structures design);
    • Economic and Financial Analysis;
    • Procurement Plan; Involuntary resettlement due diligences and IEE or EIS; Safeguards categorization;
    • Summary poverty reduction and social strategy;
    • Gender action Plan;
    • Design and Monitoring framework;
    • Results framework; Project Administration memorandum;
    • Loan compliance review for tranche 1


April, 2021-August,2021

Client: Mott Macdonald CZ, spool., s.r.o/EBRD 

1) Operational review of the Yerevan Elektrotrans municipal operator

Carry out an overview and assessment of the Company’s activity and performance over at least the past three years by documenting, providing necessary analysis and visiting all relevant facilities, notably bus fleet depots and head office, including:

  • Organisational structure and number of staff breakdown;
  • Size and structure of bus fleet and facilities;
  • Status and condition of bus fleet and facilities, including depots and energy supply;
  • Costs and revenues, including trends
  • Company system and management information systems (“MIS”)

2) Assessment of depot and power supply infrastructure, investment plan

Prepare the operational plan for three options of the restoration and development of the electric transport in Yerevan:

  • „Conservative option“ based on conventional trolleybuses and using IMC trolleybuses just for a pilot scheme. Minor network extensions are likely, mostly in the form of restoration of the abandoned network sections.
  • „Combined option“ extending the trolleybus fleet by operating IMC trolleybuses and expanding the electric services beyond the current street network / districts; but still keeping also CNG buses in operation for the selected core network routes
  • „Electric option“ should be based on trolleybuses and battery electric buses only, like the benchmark exercise to the previous two options.

Once the investment is determined, prepare at least two upgrade scenarios for CAPEX, with a recommended option:

(i) minimum acceptable to allow proper maintenance of buses funded for initial years of operation, assuming the subsequent upgrade

(ii) full upgrade for all maintenance requirements of the new trolleybus fleet.

August 2019-on going

Name of Client:EIB/Ministry of Territorial Administration of Armenia/Ces.Tra Serbia

Adinfosys role is Capacity Provider for project performance

The specific objective/purposes of the Technical Assistance operation are (i) ensuring proper quality of black spots improvement works; and (ii) supporting capacity development for relevant authorities and stakeholders with the aim of reaching international standards regarding road safety, thus contributing to the following:

Improving black spots on several roads of intense traffic;

Design Road Safety measures to Improve Safety  in black spots of Roads in Armenia

Developing Road Safety Audit capacity in Armenia and better integration of Road Safety Audit in all EU supported road projects in line with the EU Directive 2008/96/EC on Road Infrastructure Safety Management (EU Directive 2008/96/EC);

Stronger capacity and processes within the MOTCIT (including its subsidiary entities Armenian Roads Directorate and Transport PIO) and Road Police to manage planning, design  


June 2012-May 2013

Client: World Bank,Ministry of Transport and Communication of Armenia

Partner: Advanced Logistic Group (ALG),Barcelona

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Develop a plan for improvement of performance in bus stations operations
  • Stimulate private sector involvement

The specific objectives are four fold:

  • Development of performance standards for operation of bus stations
  • Elaboration of financial due diligence of ¨Armautostation¨
  • Proposal of financial means enhancement to support improved operation of bus stations
  • Identification of the options for private sector participation

Jul 2012- Aug 2013, 

Name of Client: North-South SNCO/RA Ministry of Transport and Communication under the financing of the Asian Development Bank, Country of Assignment: Armenia

Sub-consultant to SAFEGE (France) – Eptisa (Spain) Consortium

The main tasks (deliveries and outputs) of consulting services for project management and construction supervision of Projects 1 and 2 (the Project) under the Multitranche Financing Facility (MFF) for the North- South Road Corridor Investment Program are review of the detailed engineering designs prior to the start of civil works; construction supervision; road safety audits; project management and procurement support; financial management; monitoring; and evaluation and reporting of the Project.

The PMC will carry out all construction supervision activities for civil works for the Project, as listed but not to the following: 

  • Prepare an IPC submission and review schedule in consultation with the contractor, review the contractor's claims, the consultant's verification of the accuracy of the claims and withdrawal applications, and agree on their submissions to ADB
  • Review the geometry, pavement, bridge, and other structural designs, specifications, construction method, etc
  • Prepare working drawings, and provide written confirmation to the Employer indicating the acceptance of ownership of the drawings
  • Day-to-day quality control and quantity measurements of the works carried out;
  • Inspect, prepare inspection acts, and test all materials and works to ensure compliance with specifications
  • Inspect regularly the contractor's construction equipment, installations, housing, medical facilities, etc and prepare inspection acts
  • Maintain, check, record and approve the daily progress records produced by the contractors on work progress, labour, equipment, major construction materials, at site, work accomplished, weather, river conditions, accidents as well as any other events affecting projects cost or implementation conditions of the Project
  • Ensure that road safety design requirements are implemented in accordance with the contract and prepare road safety audits
  • Certify payments for the works against the relevant bill of quantities and issue the Interim Payment Certificates, the Final Payment Certificate and other certificates, including Taking Over Certificate, as required under the civil works contract
  • Evaluate claims, disputes, extensions of time, and the like, including issuing variation orders list and quantity of additional works for MOTC's and ADB's approval
  • Conduct a complete joint review of the works with all stakeholders and ADB, as well as a safety audit, prior to handover of the site to MOTC
  • Following the issue of the Taking Over Certificate, during the balance of the contract period inspect and approve the execution of the outstanding works (if any), as well as the rectification of any defects or damage

Nov 2011 - Nov 2012

Name of Client: Millennium Challenge Corporation-Armenia/ FFPMC (Foreign Financing Projects Management Centre) State Institution, RA Ministry of Finance under financing of Millennium Challenge Corporation-USA, Country of Assignment: Armenia 

Partner  in Joint Venture with Institute of Water Problems and Hydraulic Engineering after Academician V. Yeghiazarov CJSC (Armenia)  

The Project components included: 6 main canals; 5 gravity systems; 17 pump stations; Ararat Valley Drainage system; more than 300km of tertiary canals in about 100 communities throughout the whole country.

The Consultant services included the following:

  • Semi-annual inspection of all completed works;
  • At the Employer’s request, conduct ad hoc inspections of all or any portion of completed works;
  • As needed, inspection, reporting, and management of defects remediation by contractors;
  • to the extent that substitute contractors are required to remedy defects identified during regular inspections, review and validation of costs incurred in connection with remediation of defects by substitute contractors, and facilitate and assist with the associated enforcement of on-demand bank guarantees or retention amount reductions;
  • Review and assessment of any Claims submitted in connection with identification and remediation of defects and cooperation in the resolution of such Claims;
  • Issue the Performance Certificates, Defects Liability Certificates, or any similar certificate to be issued at the end of the applicable Defects Notification Period;
  • Check and verify draft Final Statements and draft final accounts submitted by the contractors;
  • Issue the Final Payment Certificates;
  • Supervision and oversight of the removal of any remaining equipment, construction camps, or temporary form the sites/works supervised by the Consultant under the Contract; and
  • Issuing a mission report in relation to each inspection and each supervision of defects remediation.

2010-2012, Name of Client: Yerevan Municipality under the financing of the Asian Development Bank, Country of Assignment: Armenia

Partner in Joint Venture with Mott MacDonald (UK),

The overall objective of the Project was to define a strategic plan for the completion of the Yerevan Western Bypass and improve urban transport in the City of Yerevan through development of an investment project in the multitranche financing facility (MFF) mode.

Based on the specific objectives of the Project, that is formulation of an MFF, mainly a sector roadmap with an investment plan; feasibility study and preliminary design of the project components covered in Tranche 1 (three missing road links of the Yerevan Western Bypass – (i) Shirak Street – Argavand Highway, (ii) Arshakunyants Avenue – Artashat Highway, (iii) Davtashen Bridge – Halabyan Street – Ashtark Highway), the consultant main deliveries and outputs were as follows:

  • Update and carry out preliminary design and due diligence for the construction of the three missing links of the Yerevan Western bypass
  • Produce the preliminary design of the construction of the new entrance for Metro station- Yeritsasardakan – Opera
  • Conduct a feasibility study and preliminary design for the metro extension to Achapnyak and Zvartnots International Airport
  • Assess the engineering of the first tranche projects
  • Carry out safeguards analysis (environmental, social and resettlement, containing a comprehensive Environmental Assessment (EA), a detailed Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and a Monitoring Plan (MP) to establish and ensure environmental compliance during the construction and operation phases of the project, and an assessment of the potential social impacts including resettlement and land acquisition requirements (preparation of LARPs by three missing road links; review and update of LARF)
  • Assess the urban transport system in the City of Yerevan
  • roadmap for the City of Yerevan
  • Prepare the Yerevan Municipality parking master plan
  • Identify an investment program
  • Produce an implementation schedule and arrangement
  • Assess the institutional and financial framework
  • Identify relevant institutional improvements to support the investment program in the City of Yerevan
  • Formulate MFF packaging


Name of the Client: Millennium Challenge Account – Armenia/ Government of Armenia under the financing of Millennium Challenge Corporation-USA

Partner in the Association with Institute of Water Problems and Hydraulic Engineering after Academician V. Yeghiazarov CJSC (Armenia), WYG International Limited (U.K.) Jen Financial, Engineering and Management Consulting Limited (Armenia)


The overall objective of the Project was the improvement of the livelihood of the water users in rural communities through rehabilitation or construction of new water distribution/water management structures (tertiary canals and adjacent structures) distributed among two packages – Package 1 and Package 2.

Tertiary Canal rehabilitation component included 104 communities in all 12 marzes of Armenia. A total length of 330km concrete and steel pipe canals were rehabilitated and constructed anew, and 85,210m of earthen canals were cleaned under the Project Package 1.  

The Consultant delivered their outputs through two basic components: (i) preparation of preliminary and detail design for the rehabilitation of tertiary canals in 104 communities of Armenia, and (ii) supervision of construction works in those communities.

In the design stage of the assignment the Consultant carried out desk studies and site investigations including analysis of data on topography, on geological, geotechnical, climate and hydraulic conditions; geotechnical desk study for 104 communities, based on the data available to provide a preliminary indication of soil characteristics; hydro geological and hydrological desk studies; detailed measurement surveys to identify the locations, characteristics and legal ownership status of the areas and assets affected by the project; preparation of rehabilitation proposals and upgrading 

options relevant to various schemes; quantity and cost estimates; technical assessment of designs; preliminary and detailed designs for construction and rehabilitation of irrigation systems; etc

Construction Supervision Stage included the following undertakings:

  • Technical supervision of construction works in 104 communities of Armavir, Ararat and Vayots Dzor regions
  • Project performance and quality control
  • Design and project control
  • Examination, verification, validation and assessment to ensure that tertiary systems are constructed according to specification requirements
  • Site supervision in accordance with legal construction requirements
  • Audits, site and production assessment visits, monitoring and witnessing of activities, including safety and quality functions and reporting
  • Continuous contractor supervision
  • Non-destructive testing supervision
  • Delivered documentation supervision
  • Technical and legal consulting
  • As-built documentation

Scope of Work

  •  Facilitate all the necessary inter-agency meetings and deliberations required to improve the institutional structures and processes for managing traffic safety in Armenia, and conduct all necessary consultations and prepare all related documentation to support this effort;
  • Prepare a Multi-Sectoral Memorandum of Understanding between participating government agencies in Armenia, setting out the formal leadership, coordination and decision-making arrangements for managing road safety across national, regional, city and local agencies and the wider community;
  • Provide advice to the RA Ministry of Transport and Communication to support their new role in the licensing and supervision of vehicle inspection organizations, and driver training organizations;
  • Prepare a National Road Safety Strategy for Armenia;
  • Prepare a Five Year Action Plan to commence implementation of the National Road Safety Strategy for Armenia.


Donor: World Bank

Client: Ministry of Transport and Communication, Armenia

Partner: Advanced Logistic Groip (ALG), Barcelona

Overall Objective

  • reach an agreement on a number of strategic urban passenger transport policy issues facing Yerevan decision-makers (issues regarding mainly the roles of the various service providers);
  • undertake reforms to permit the provision of better and larger buses (principally by the private sector) and the corresponding reduction of mini-buses, while improving the overall provision of passenger transport services in Yerevan.

Assignment Tasks

  • set out and assess a range of policy options;
  • work with city officials in reaching an agreement on the preferred options;
  • establish ways and means of improving the passenger transport services provided by the dominant private sector operators;
  • establish a time-based programme for implementing the recommended options;
  • prepare modifications or additions to existing legislation that will be required to permit implementation of the recommended programme.

 April 2005-May 2006

Client: LGI, Budapest, Hungary

  •     Development of mechanisms, which will improve the management of the Yerevan urban transport system and decision-making process.
  • Optimal use of Yerevan urban transport system recourses.
  •     To make the transport system more affordable and attractive.

To increase the mobility of population

July 2002-Dec.2005

Name of Client: WB/Ministry of Transport and communication/Sweco int.-Sweden/Hill Int, USA

  • Strategic, short and medium-term ‘scenario’ forecasts based on various options and associated policy decisions.
  •   Develop scenario-based alternatives for each transport mode with an evaluation of the benefits, costs, and capacity of the municipality to finance and maintain the alternative, including the policies it entails
  •   Produce policy recommendations, scenario-specific when necessary, for maintaining Yerevan’s road and streets and public transport operations including (i) organization, competition, regulation, and licensing (ii) pricing/subsidy policies with financing sources, and (iii) the social and economic viability of different public transport technologies in Yerevan in a framework that includes the externalities of environment and safety, and service to the poor.
  •   Propose actions for: (i) traffic safety; (ii) mitigation of environmental pollution from urban transport; and (iii) accessibility for the low-income urban households
  •   Recommend measures to improve the database for the urban transport system on both the supply and demand side.
  •   Recommendations for institutional strengthening and training of the municipal organization to enable it to administer and manage––or outsource––urban public transport and road and street maintenance.


Sept 2004 -Nov 2004

Name of Client: TACIS/REDAM

  • a general overview of all the public services, their The specific objectives were as follows:
  • Covering powers, and infrastructures;
  • Evaluating the situation of PS infrastructure and management systems, their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats;
  • Assessing the efficiency of PS delivery; and
  • Developing recommendations on improving PS delivery.


Client: USAID/ Urban Institute (USA)

Organization of trainings for residents of a multi-residence building of the City of Gyumri /address: 155 Yerevanyan str., Gyumri/ and for the employees of the local community. The training was aimed at selecting through a competition the respective construction firm to perform the reconstruction works of the mentioned residence building and exercising further control over the performance by the firm of the contract. 125 persons attended the seminars. /Presently reconstruction works of the residence building have already been completed/.

Organization of training on the topic relating to the RA law “On State Procurements” for the staff of all district municipalities of the city of Yerevan. The training is aimed at promoting the skills of implementing procurements of goods, works, and services by the respective staff for the district municipality needs.  /Within the framework of the project 10 seminars were conducted, which were attended by 180 employees of district municipalities/.


Name of Client: Eurasia Foundation Grant,

Development of recommendations on the establishment of the united legislative framework for the unified real estate South Caucasus market establishment and the required amendments thereto.  


Name of Client: Eurasia Foundation Grant,

  • Development of a Manual on Organization of Trainings for District Municipalities of the Republic of Armenia. /Within the framework of the project 6 training manuals were produced/;
  • Organization of training on District Municipalities for the apartment owners and for the staff of respective public authorities. 
  •  Organization of training and seminars. The seminars were conducted in the City of Yerevan, as well as in all the marzes of the Republic of Armenia. /200 seminars and workshops were conducted, which were attended by 6000 participants/.


Client: RA Government, ICMA-USA/Martson And Martson, USA/USAID (USA)

  • Development of household policy;
  • Development of procedures for the registration of real estate interests /buildings, premises, land and etc./;
  • Development of the Procedure On Administration of the Real Estate Cadastre;
  • Development of the draft law “On the Real Estate Cadastre”;
  • Development of the Procedure of exploitation of multi-resident buildings and services delivered to them.