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Housing Management

Housing Management

All throughout our experience, we have talked about improving the skills of the housing management committee (condominium) in management issues and increasing the level of confidence of condominium members in management bodies.. So why not have a clear look at what are the important responsibilities they need to take up to ensure that the society runs smoothly and the residents have a peaceful life. Let’s check out:

  1. To fix the amount to be recovered as maintenance fee from the residents every month, keeping in mind all the areas of income and expenditure in the society and abiding the proportion laid down in the bye-laws.
  2. To calculate the maintenance amount for every unit every month in accordance with their individual dues, advance and other chargeable components.
  3. To raise the maintenance bills on time and ensure that every unit holder is communicated about the same duly, every month.
  4. To keep a track of maintenance fees received from each unit member, every month and to generate receipt for every receiving bills.
  5. To keep track of every non-payment and initiate action against defaulters surpassing maximum grace period.
  6. To form the full-fledged management committee and subcommittee, discuss and distribute tasks and responsibilities among themselves, ensure monthly meeting within the committee to keep tab on each others work. Also to accept and consider resignation of members of the management committee, electing new member and dissolving any non-functional subcommittee .
  7. To arrange annual general meeting every year. Fix the agenda, giving intimation to every society member and preside over the meeting.
  8. Identifying emergency issues and call in for special meeting on time.
  9. To maintain a transparent helpdesk. Keep tab of the every issue or complaint received from the members.
  10. Disbursing the responsibilities among the committee member for proper and effective redressal. Close the issue on time.
  11. Keep and maintain inventory and asset list of the society.
  12. Keeping close eye at the expenditure or expense from the society fund.
  13. Assisting in annual audit of the society with proper accounts records and other documents.

While these forms the very preliminary list of the duties performed by the management committee of the housing society, there are many more responsibilities and power, of course stemming from responsibility itself, that the management committee possess. We will have a look at those in our next post.

While it is not totally possible to replace the human contribution in maintaining a society, but the task can be easier and more effective with the help of a good society management software.
