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Administrative Staff

Administrative Staff

  CEO-Artashes Arakelyan

AdInfoSys Management Institute is managed by Artashes Arakelyan, PhD, a local government infrastructure management expert with over than 35 years of experience in developing local government infrastructure, including urban transport, traffic management, solid waste management, irrigation systems and other utilities in Armenia. Indeed, he is recognized as one of the most prominent experts in local management in Armenia and is the Founder and Director of AdInfoSys MI, one of the leading companies in the area of local government infrastructure management in Armenia. Dr. Arakelyan has been involved in a range of international programs in the field of urban transport development, traffic management and road safety, irrigation systems and infrastructure management etc., funded by various IFIs such as World Bank, Asian Development Bank, USAID, EU, MCC, etc, providing specialist input as a team leader/project manager.

 Dr. Arakelyan was engaged as a Deputy Team Leader in an ADB funded large-scale road construction project – “North-South Road Corridor Investment Program” in Armenia, Tranche 1 and 2. In a capacity of a Project Manager Dr. Arakelyan conducted such infrastructure development projects as Millennium Challenge Corporation-USA/MCA-Armenia irrigation project - “Design and Construction Supervision for Rehabilitation of Tertiary Canals”, ADB-funded “Yerevan Sustainable Urban Transport Investment Project” and others.

Within 2011-2012 Dr. Arakelyan was an advisor to Mayor of Yerevan Municipality on transport and infrastructure reforms.

Key qualifications (relevant to the programme):

Dr Artashes Arakelyan is a local government infrastructure management expert with over than 40 years of experience in developing local government infrastructure, including training of local government authorities, citizens, targeted groups of people urban transport, traffic management, solid waste management, irrigation systems and other utilities. Indeed, he is recognized as one of the most prominent experts in local management in Armenia. He is the Founder and Director of AdInfoSys Management Institute CJSC, one of the leading companies in the area of local government infrastructure management in Armenia. Dr. Arakelyan is Author of several training materials and Institutional reforms initiatives in Yerevan City Management. Dr. Arakelyan has been involved in a range of international programs in the field of Yerevan city management system reforms, urban transport development, public transport, traffic management and road safety, irrigation systems and infrastructure management, funded by international donor organizations such as ADB, World Bank, USAID, EU, EBRD, Millennium Challenge Corporation (USA), etc, providing specialist input as a team leader/project manager with regards to legal and regulatory frameworks related to infrastructure management (urban transport, public transport, traffic management and road safety, roads and bridges, irrigation systems, housing/condominiums, SWM), management of projects, organization and management of corresponding data collection and surveys (household, passenger, etc), in association with well-known international consulting companies such as CesTRA/COWI, SweRoad (Sweden), ALG (Spain), Mott MacDonald (GB), Sweco Int. (Sweden), ICMA (USA), Urban Institute (USA), ReDAM (Italy), WYG (GB), Open Society Institute (Hungary), etc.

Dr. Arakelyan was engaged in implementation of Law on Yerevan Management, State Procurement and targeted trainings, as well as the development of corresponding instructions and guides. Dr. Arakelyan was engaged as the Project Manager in such infrastructure development projects as Millennium Challenge Corporation-USA/MCA-Armenia irrigation project “Design and Construction Supervision for Rehabilitation of Tertiary Canals”, as a Deputy Team Leader in ADB funded Project Management of Projects 1 and 2 (L2561-ARMand L2729-ARM) of the MFF North-South Road Corridor Investment Program in Armenia, as well as was the Local Team Leader and the institutional specialist in ADB/Mott MacDonald Group(UK)  project “Yerevan Sustainable Urban Transport Investment Project”.

Within 2011-2012 Dr. Arakelyan was an advisor to Mayor of Yerevan Municipality on transport and infrastructure reforms.

At present Dr. Arakelyan is engaged as an International team leader in EBRD/Tajikistan: Khujand Public Transport Project – Corporate Development Programme.

Deputy Team Leader in ADB/ TA-6559 REG: Implementing the Cities Development Initiative for Asia Yerevan Sustainable Urban Transport Implementation Project (54128-001)

Deputy Team Leader of   "Technical Advisory Support to Armenia on Enabling the Uptake of Electric Vehicle Mobility" project financed by Green Climate Fund/PWC 

Project Coordinator of EIB Support to the Armenia Road safety Improvement Project in Armenia

Project Director of Millenum Challange Corporation- Irrigation project in Armenia

 Special Trainings:

  • Solid Waste Management in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Training Program, SIDA/SWECO, Certificate, Chisinau, Moldova, 2004
  • Solid Waste Management in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Training Program, SIDA/SWECO, Certificate, Stockholm, Falun, Sweden, 2003
  • Study in city management systems for Budapest, Urban Institute/USAID, Budapest, Hungary, Certificate, 2003
  • Study in city management systems for Warsaw, Urban Institute/USAID, Warsaw, Poland, Certificate, 2003
  • Public Procurement Training of Trainers Program, Urban Institute/USAID, Yerevan, Armenia, Certificate, 2001
  • Public Procurement Training Program, Urban Institute/USAID, Yerevan, Armenia, Certificate, 2001
  • Structural Reforms Program, Real Estate Registration (Cadastre), Urban Institute/USAID, Stockholm, Sweden, 1996
  • Structural Reforms Program, Real Estate Registration (Cadastre), Urban Institute/USAID, Budapest, Hungary, 1996
  • Structural Reforms Program, Reforms in Housing sector-condominiums, Study tour, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Russia, ICMA/USAID, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1995
  • Structural Reforms Program, Reforms in Housing sector-condominiums - Training courses in Washington and Atlanta, USA, ICMA/USAID, Washington, Atlanta, USA, 1994
  • Structural Reforms Program, Reforms in Housing sector-condominiums - Training courses in Budapest, ICMA/USAID, Budapest, Hungary, 1993


  • Arakelyan A,Planning, Budgeting, and Management of Urban Public Transit in Yerevan,pp.39-89/Managing and Financing Urban Public Transport Systems, Edited by G.M. Guess, Local Government and Public Reform Intiative, Budapest, Hungary, 2008
  • Arakelyan A, “Public-private transit mix strands Yerevan vulnerable”, Local Government Brief, Policy Journal of the local Government and public service reform initiative, autumn 2005, Budapest
  • Arakelyan A. “ Consultant Services for Yerevan Urban Transport Study:, carried out in the framework of the Armenia Transport credit project, Credit project N. 3375, granted by the World Bank, 2001
  • Arakelyan A. etc, “Codominium formation in Yerevan”, 1995, Issued by Yerevan State University Publishing House, ”Rotoprint”, Yerevan
  • Arakelyan A, etc , Study Guide on Condominium, 1996, “Parberakan” Publishing House, Yerevan
  • Arakelyan A. etc, “Condominium Study Guide” 2001, “Zangak” Publishing House, Yerevan
  • Arakelyan A. etc, Guide for Participants on Public Procurement, 2001, Issued by Urban Institute, USA
  • Arakelyan A. etc, Guide for Business on Public Procurement, 2002, Issued by Urban Institute, USA